
How smart pharma can stop making bad R&D choices
R&D portfolio strategy is so … unstrategic. Together with Navigant’s Greg Belogolovsky, we have some ideas to fix it.

The myth of “leaner and meaner” pharma
Pharma CEOs boast of trimming headcount and boosting productivity. Spoiler alert: they're not.

Pharma's not so stingy with R&D after all
Critics claim pharma is skimping on research spending - but the data say otherwise.

Why Pharma Undervalues Novel R&D
New data on drug ramp rates could increase the financial attractiveness of “pioneer” projects.

Will tough biotech IPO market catalyze pharma deals?
We found 31 Phase 2 assets that could be deal targets if private biotechs can't access public capital - but only for pharmas that can stomach a little risk.
Finally, A Pharma CEO Takes The High Road On Drug Pricing
Brent Saunders of Allergan shows pharma how it's done.
The case for "biotech paranoia"
Biotechs need to get anxious - really anxious - about how changes in the industry will affect Pharma deal-making.
Drug pricing is the new Big Pharma giant-killer
Is the new contracting deal in hepatitis C a meaningless blip, or the “end of days” for biopharma? (Spoiler alert: "no” and “no”.)
Where's the commercial innovation in pharma?
Pharma commercial teams are doing business like it's 2004 ... or maybe even 1994. It's time for a reboot.
Should pharma R&D and commercial "just be friends"?
GlaxoSmithKline is giving up its commercial presence in oncology, but keeping cancer R&D. This could be a huge deal, and a harbinger of things to come.